Mmmm some lovely soaps curing on my rack. I have some Peppermint & Rosemary Essential Oil Soap nearly ready. It's proving to be a really popular one so I made 3.5kg batch. I also knocked up a lovely soft scented English Rose Soap that lathers soft and lots of bubbles. One of my most favourite essential oil soap is Lemon Scented Gum Eucalyptus, and I put some calendula petals on for decoration. Another favourite is HOney & Oatmeal, with oatmeal exfoliations, it has the most divine scent and I only have about 24 bars ready at the moment.

As with all my soaps they contain cocoa & shea butters or both, teamed with lovely oils like olive, rice bran coconut and palm oils so they will not dry the skin. Soon I will be offering a lovely Rose Geranium scented goat milk bar (available 17th March) that is fully packed with both cocoa & shea butters and super fatted at 8% so it is a luxury bar. This bar is light and creamy and will benefit anyone with eczema or psoriasis skin conditions. It's costing $4 a bar but is still good value as other bars on the market sell for $7. Goats milk is close to the natural PH of our skin and my soap contains the natural vegetable glycerine that won't dry out your skin. Once you use cold pressed soap (that's the process I use to make it!) you won't want to go back to store bought soap. My bars generally sell for $3, so if you are interested, you can contact me via
collections@westnet.com.au anytime.
On another note: I am preparing new items for
SIA at the moment and some of the products are being manufactured right now and I have some wonderful new items to show and some very cool ideas on how to use them. In due course I will post a few sneak previews here on my blog, so stay tuned....it's all very exciting!
Thanks for looking and have a great day....Julie xx
Your new produce sound divine! Will you be bringing some down to Melbourne in April?
I am sure you mean Collections stuff not soap, but I can if you want me to bring some soap I would love to! thanks, Julie
Your soaps are wonderful Julie and I can just "smell" those concoctions...mmmmmmmm.
Can't wait for the new chipboard arrivals too, make lots as you know we always sell lots at Scraptivate! lol
Heyyy bEaudiful Julie !!
has been sooooo long i haven't visited you here :) oh my goshhhh you're into soap now huh ?? i can smell them from here :)
at least they look lovelllly :)
Hugs to you from the Blue Mountains (NSW)
Brigitte G.
You have been a busy bee.I love your soaps speaking from experience
They are wonderful
Hi Julie! I am so glad I've found your blog - your papercraft is divine and your soaps look edible! I will be in touch!!
Your soaps are DIVINE dear gal (love mine sooo much as does my hubby, mum and cherubs...I shared)
My scrummy lip balm is a fav...beautiful stuff miss Julie
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